Choral Kaleidoscope
MacKillop Senior College Hall
Sunday, 21st September 2008

Hastings Choristers hosted a unique event to showcase 8 of our region's fine choirs.
Participating choirs were:

SCAS Senior Choir
Low Rumbles
Iintombi Zicula
Bel Canto

Cantorus the SATB mixed voice choir specialises in eclectic repertoire but adores singing big book works. However  for this event they combined with Nina Mestric soprano and treble Jamie Carroll to perform Andrew Lloyd Weber's Pie Jesu which even though it is strictly speaking a Sacred work  has very popular appeal. Contrasting this was a fabulous version of In the Mood  which had the audience's feet a-tappin' !

Cantabile the female á capella ensemble were all  grooved up for I can see Clearly now the Rain has gone - and others. They have a great sound and really enjoy making music together  & are always a joy to  listen to.

As well as the fantastic choral  sounds  of a variety of choirs audiences were delighted to hear lots of Music Theatre songs from some very talented youngsters. Three of these youngsters will be performing in the NSW Schools Spectacular in November having survived the rigorous audition rounds ... Laura Bereicua, Jamie Carroll and Jack Begbie.

Choral Kaleidoscope Sept 08

Here are some of the more recent events that the Hastings Choristers have participated in.

Hastings Choristers welcomes all those who wish to sing at a performance level whether experienced or accomplished.

As a mixed voice SATB choir (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) there is a place for all voices in CANTORUS. All singers, especially men, are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to pursue their love of singing at our weekly rehearsals held at MacKillop Senior College Hall, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie.