Baptist Church, Port Macquarie
Wednesday, 7th April 2004

This sacred Easter concert by Cantorus, held in the Port Macquarie Grace and Baptist churches, was dedicated to the memory of Soprano Margaret Scott.

It featured 3 short pieces (Vicar of Dibley theme, The Legend & They shall Soar like Eagles) and then Stainer's Crucifixion - always a favourite. Soloists John Thompson, Jim Matsinos & Ray Cugley performed convincingly with excellent chorus support. A spellbound audience joined faithfully in the participatory items, and there was not a dry eye in the house. The Musical Director offered congratulations to all members for a beautiful start to the year.

Here are some of the more recent events that the Hastings Choristers have participated in.

Hastings Choristers welcomes all those who wish to sing at a performance level whether experienced or accomplished.

As a mixed voice SATB choir (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) there is a place for all voices in CANTORUS. All singers, especially men, are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to pursue their love of singing at our weekly rehearsals held at MacKillop Senior College Hall, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie.