Baptist Church, Port Macquarie
Saturday, 20th December 2008

The most popular oratorio ever written is often performed at Christmas - George Frideric Handel's 'Messiah'.

So once again, Hastings Choristers Inc was thrilled to present Cantorus in a feast of fabulous choruses from Handel's best known work Saturday evening 20th and Sunday afternoon 21st December in the Baptist Church Port Macquarie.

Our Organist for these Messiah performances was Heather Moen-Boyd:


Heather studied at Sydney Conservatorium, where she gained a Bachelor of Music, and also holds the A Mus A and FTCL diplomas. An experienced recitalist, she is organist of Scots Kirk Presbyterian Church, Mosman. She has accompanied major choral works with various choirs throughout Sydney and regional areas.
As well as a busy private studio, Heather teaches at several schools in western Sydney, and is an examiner with the Australian and New Zealand Cultural Arts. She represented the Presbyterian Church on the editorial committee for the revised Australian Hymn Book, ‘Together in Song’.
Heather is also a chorister with the Sunday Evensong choir of Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney, who undertook a successful overseas tour in early 2007.

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Here are some of the more recent events that the Hastings Choristers have participated in.

Hastings Choristers welcomes all those who wish to sing at a performance level whether experienced or accomplished.

As a mixed voice SATB choir (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) there is a place for all voices in CANTORUS. All singers, especially men, are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to pursue their love of singing at our weekly rehearsals held at MacKillop Senior College Hall, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie.